Life is a Test | Inspirational Speeches | Accept Reality

Life is a Test
Life is a Test | Inspirational Speeches | Accept Reality

No matter your age or occupation, every day, you are confronted with unexpected challenges: Have you ever wondered what the purpose of your life is? Typical answers are “success,” “happiness,” or “satisfaction.” While these are all worthwhile goals, I say the purpose of your life is to face every challenge, every test, as a chance for you to become the person you are meant to be.

You either accept these challenges and meet them head-on, or you resist them, wishing they just go away. Yet challenges are woven into the fabric of our lives. They are the tests we all have to face daily.

Life is a test for you to be and become your highest self.
When you want a flower to grow in your garden, you go to the nursery and buy a packet of seeds. You can see exactly what you’re going to end up with because there is a beautiful color picture of the fully-grown flower on the front of the packet. But when you open it, what do you find? Tiny black lumps that look like mouse droppings. Does that discourage you? No, because you know what these seeds are meant to become. You set up the environment for the seeds to grow. You prepare the soil. You plant the seeds and then make sure you give them the right amount of sunlight and water. When a tiny seedling finally sprouts, it is delicate, and you protect it and care for it until it grows into the flower, it is meant to be.

Somewhere inside you, there is a seed packet with your picture on it, a picture of the fully realized you. It’s not easy to grow this flower. There are challenges all along the way. But when you face them, you learn from them, and you build with them. Through this process, you grow into the flower in full bloom. Flowers cannot become fully realized unless they push their way up through the soil and compete for sun and space with other plants. Our conditions aren’t much different. We have to find our way in the world, and all along, we face tests of physical illness, mental troubles, financial reversals, unfulfilled expectations, and loss.
Though we cannot choose most of the tests we face in life, we can decide how we’re going to meet them. Are we going to have a miserable experience, crumble under pressure, run away, or avoid challenges altogether? Or are we going to find the strength and inner resources to rise to the challenges and fully actualize our potential? Facing tests in the right way will give you this opportunity.
When you face the tests of life, learn from them, and grow with them, you become that person. The trials of life require you to call on the inner resources residing deep inside you. Tests are like a challenging teacher or friend—if you maintain a good relationship with them, many of your best qualities will emerge.

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